World Best Artificial Eye Center, India

The International Prosthetic Eye Center is known for the highest standard of workmanship throughout the medical profession both in the India and also internationally. A wide range of services offered at the Center include ocular prosthetics, scleral shells, conformers, ocular implants and facial prosthetic. We not only treat adult patients, but also infants with eye problems, such as retinoblastoma or microophthalmia.

However, with the prosthetic eye techniques and material available today, these problems are readily solved both physically and the physiologically.

The ocular prosthesis /scleral shell also commonly referred to as a glass eye or plastic eye, are made from the highest grade of medical materials.

The staff at the International Prosthetic Eye Center has a combined clinical experience of over 10 years. With this experience, it is possible to use methods and materials available today to create extremely realistic prosthetic eyes allowing the ocularist to restore the loss to its natural appearance in match and mobility.

The International Prosthetic Eye Center is known for the highest standard of workmanship throughout the medical profession both in the India and also Internationally. A wide range of services offered at the Center include ocular prosthetics, scleral shells, conformers, ocular implants and facial prosthetics. We not only treat adult patients, but also infants with eye problems, such as retinoblastoma or microophthalmia

Patients travel throughout the state and worldwide to our state of the art facility which is located in the beautiful city of India in twin city in Hyderabad for prosthetic eye treatment.

For the convenience of our patients, we offer a two night stay a hotel nearby to the center for the duration of their treatment.

From the moment you contact the Center, to the three day appointments for the custom impression/ mold, custom coloring and veining, delivery and adjustments of your ocular artificial eye or scleral shell and the prosthetic eye care needed for your new prosthetic eye, our Center strives to give you the highest attention, care and respect you deserve.

Please feel free to call the Center for an appointment or for a personal consultation concerning artificial plastic eyes. We will be more than happy to speak to you personally to answer any questions you have as it relates to artificial eyes and procedures.

Your New Prosthesis

International Prosthetic Eye Center
Your real eye had muscles attached all around it, which kept your eye in the socket and moved it around. When your eye is removed, the surgeon inserts an implant, and ties the muscles up around it in. So, what you have in your socket is a small ball, which is surrounded by muscle tissue. Your muscles continue to move around this ball, similar to how they moved when your real eye was in.Your new eye will NOT be -- contrary to popular expectations -- round like your real eye. Instead, it will be sort of in the form of a shell and will fit OVER the implant inside. The making of your new eye takes about a day to accomplish, and can either be done in one session or several depending on the preferences of your ocularist.

Your new eye will be created in a multi-step process. Your greatest fear will be that you will experience severe pain in the fitting of your new eye. However, this is not a painful procedure at all.The first step is that your ocularist will place a "plunger" into your eye socket. Next, your ocularist will insert plastic-like material through the plunger into your socket. This doesn't hurt either. You have to sit there for a couple of minutes while the plastic-like materials hardens. Then, when the ocularist removes it.What the ocularist does with the plastic is create a wax impression similar to the cavity in your eye. He will then take the wax impression and place it into your eye to see how it feels. You probably won't feel some parts of it, and other parts will cause pressure inside your socket. You will tell your ocularist which parts are causing pressure, and he will take it out and smoother wherever, and then reinsert it.
Your ocularist will primarily be smoothing and reshaping the wax so that the impression is the right shape for your eyelids to rest properly when your eye is open, and then to close properly when you blink. He will also be trying to shape the wax so that it fills out certain areas around your socket to give your eye a natural look. The ocularist will insert and take out the wax impression several times during this process. It is not painful, although your eye socket may get a little irritated.After the ocularist has your wax impression right, the plastic insert will be made. This takes about an hour and you end up with a plain white piece of plastic the same shape as the wax. The ocularist will place and take this out of your socket several times, adjusting the shape for comfort and so that the eyelids rest and close properly. The plastic is completely smooth -- and tough!
Your ocularist will primarily be smoothing and reshaping the wax so that the impression is the right shape for your eyelids to rest properly when your eye is open, and then to close properly when you blink. He will also be trying to shape the wax so that it fills out certain areas around your socket to give your eye a natural look. The ocularist will insert and take out the wax impression several times during this process. It is not painful, although your eye socket may get a little irritated.After the ocularist has your wax impression right, the plastic insert will be made. This takes about an hour and you end up with a plain white piece of plastic the same shape as the wax. The ocularist will place and take this out of your socket several times, adjusting the shape for comfort and so that the eyelids rest and close properly. The plastic is completely smooth -- and tough!After you and the ocularist are satisfied with the shape of the insert, and how your eyelids rest, the ocularist will take a few seconds to draw on the insert how the eye hole should be aligned.
The next step is for the ocularist to drill the eye hole in the plastic, and insert the colored area. The ocularist actually starts with something, which looks like a button, which is very close to your own eye, and it fits over and around the hole which the ocularist has drilled.You will then sit next to the ocularist as he paints your eye, looking closely at your remaining eye for a guide. The painting process is interesting, for instance taking small strands of fabric and carefully placing them on the plastic duplicates the small red veins in your eye. When completed, you new eye should pretty much exactly resemble your remaining eye.There is a final fitting, and then you are done!.
Your new eye should look and act very similar to your remaining eye, except that there will be some slight variation in how your eyelids rest, and your remaining eye will not have the movement of your remaining eye. If there is significant variation in how your eyelids rest, you may want to consult with your surgeon about making some slight alterations so that it blends in better.You should get used to your new eye in a couple of days, and probably won't think much about it after that. It will, for all practical purposes, look and be like your remaining.